The Greatest Marketer Alive!

I truly believe that Jesus was the perfect example of High Touch Marketing. He was very targeted, his message was relevant, and his approach was personal. He is an inspiration to me personally and professionally, and I hope he is to you as well… Happy Easter!

Cliff Jumping

How dangerous is it to cliff jump into the ocean? I’m sure there are only a handful of business owners who would even dare do it and yet when it comes to their own marketing they cliff jump all the time.It’s human nature I suppose… When business is slow you put on your marketing &…

This Niche Stinks!

Now here’s a niche for you. The other day my marketing coordinator and I were driving to check out our new location for Quest and we saw this sign on the side of the road, “Got Poop?” (I had to get a picture of it for this blog.) Hopefully your niche market isn’t as grotesquely…

“Get More Referrals Now!”

Bill Cates, author of “Get More Referrals Now!,” list’s 3 compelling reasons for targeting one or more niche markets: (Cates, 148-149)1. Word of mouth is much easier to create.2. Referrals are easier to obtain.3. Prospecting cold calls are usually much warmer to begin with. He also mentions 3 primary avenues to follow when choosing your…

Big Girl Restaurants?

I took my family out to the PNC Zoo Lights and ran into Big Boy (Before you jokesters email me…he’s the one on the left). Have you stopped to think that Big Boy was small once? Seriously. Big Boy Restaurants began in 1936, when Bob Wian invented the original double decker burger he named, “Big…

Feed Yourself!

Our weblog now has RSS feed capabilities! In other words, there is no reason why you shouldn’t be able to access and read updated Clueless Marketing blog entries. All you have to do is either subscribe to in a reader or by email. Go ahead click the link on the sidebar and follow the…

10 Reasons for Event Marketing

Last night I attended a wonderful event hosted by the Clermont County Chamber (… and the food was extra special! (I almost tackled the seafood ice-sculptured platter…that’s a whole other story.) Anyways, while at the holiday event I was inspired to list 10 reasons why your company or organization should include an event in this…


The other day I was looking at all the special deals in a MicroCenter circular and I came across one deal that made me laugh- “iPod Compatable Earphones…$9.99.” WOW! What a deal… I’ve been looking everywhere for an earphone that works with an iPod! And it has two speakers for two ears, an 1/8″ jack,…

Stuffed Mushroom Marketing & Expos?

So you’re thinking about paying for a booth at an upcoming expo. Are you planning on sitting behind your table display hoping for people to drop their business cards in your fishbowl so you can go back to your office, enter them into ACT, and call them prospects? Of course not! If you’re like me,…

Who Do You Know?

So who do you know that will support and promote you and your business? Your “Circle of Influence” includes individuals who will not only talk about your business but will give you referrals. These could be best clients, mentors, business leaders, neighbors, friends, family, etc. (Click the link below to read more) You should make…