Family Feud made surveys fun. Completely random questions were asked of individuals. The answers would be numbered on the board with the most popular answer ranked first followed by the remaining responses in descending order of popularity. My favorite part was the host asking the representatives, from the two families of contestants, a question. Whoever…
A Love-Hate Relationship With Social Media
With all the hype that surrounds social media, I have found that there is a relatively large segment of the business professional population that is resistant to embracing this huge trend. The age of this group tends to be over the age of 40, but I am also meeting an increasing number of younger professionals…
Not a “Field of Dreams”
Who doesn’t love the movie “Field of Dreams?” It stars Kevin Costner who plays a farmer that has a vision of a baseball diamond right in the middle of his corn field and then hears the words “If you build it, he will come.” This is a classic story that turns a man’s dream into…
Being Visible
You just never know where and when an opportunity will present itself, do you? In business, opportunity could be lurking anywhere. And to be successful, you always need to be prepared for it. More often than not, potential customers are quite happy with who they are currently doing business with, and many times it may…
Who Are You Targeting?
It still surprises me when I hear the answer “anyone” when someone is asked about who their ideal customer is. To me, it sounds like they really don’t know who that “anyone” really is. In today’s highly competitive market, with the ability to reach countless individuals on social media outlets like Facebook, Twitter, or LinkedIn,…
Rethink Your Curb Appeal
Curb appeal. What is it? Well, if you have ever been in the market for a new home you’ve probably heard the phrase before. Curb appeal is the enhancement of a home and property so as to attract potential buyers. It’s safe to say that a nicely manicured lawn adds significantly to the curb appeal…
How Strong is Your Logo?
Ralph Lauren. Target. Nike. McDonald’s. Mercedes-Benz. The United Way. NBC. Starbucks. What do all these companies have in common? Universally recognizable logos. Did each of these companies believe that their logo needed to stand the test of time and continue to reflect the brand image? Absolutely! For something so small, a logo places a significant…
Why would they want what you have?
Let’s face it. Most of what businesses have to offer isn’t truly a life-sustaining necessity. If you carry a smartphone with you, then I’m sure you would agree that your life is full of stuff you don’t need to survive. Keep in mind that I’m comparing the modern life with those living in third-world countries. …