The Art of Persuasion

Twice this week the topic of persuasion came up.  The first time was during a conversation with one of my referral partners.  He was updating me on the proposals he had received for his new business.  Of the three potential vendors he was considering, one came back with a proposal that made him wonder if…

Got Luck?

Luck is an interesting concept.  It’s something everyone wants to have, yet we’re not sure how to get it or even where to find it.  Occasionally we think we’ve got it only to discover how elusive and temporary it can be.  Eventually we realize that luck is merely fictional. While driving in my car the…

The Referral Partner Litmus Test

In the business world, strategic alliances are not contingent upon how long one has been working in a particular field or profession.  In fact, building strategic partnerships can, and should, begin with the first day on the job. Regardless of your years of experience, it is important to determine and know what makes a key…

Skin In the Game

Every organization, company, and institution needs their members and/or employees to have skin in the game in order to ensure long-term success.  Having skin in the game means a sense of ownership and alliance.  It denotes a sense of family, of a team.  You see it in youth sports, where teammates and their families gather during the…

Watering Holes

We are all guilty of making assumptions.  We can mistakenly believe that others think and feel the same as we do.  I’ve done it myself.  I love asparagus so my kids should eat it at dinner too, right?  Wrong. When we communicate with those in our target audience, or circle of influence, we may make…

Where’s Waldo?

It is so incredibly easy to say and believe that anyone and everyone is a potential customer, regardless of whether you are working in the B2B or B2C field.  Our tendency is to never limit those our target market because doing so would close the door on future opportunities. However, in reality, this couldn’t be…

Net Promoter Score

How many of you have been asked to complete a survey before?  Did you actually fill it out? Were you honest with your answers? Many times companies and organizations are looking for feedback to help improve their customer service, programming, or overall customer experience.  However, there is really only one question on any survey that…

Equal Opportunity

Upon starting any endeavor, a new school year, a new job, or a new relationship, we all begin with a perfect score, or a clean slate.  In school, each student starts out on that first day with a 4.0 – straight A’s.  In our new job, we have yet to make any kind of impression…

Increasing Your Marketing ROI

We have all heard of the acronym “ROI” which stands for “Return on Investment.” ROI is a means to determine the performance of anything you invest time, money, or energy into.  When it comes to marketing, there is always an ROI associated with any strategy.  We want to know how many customers redeemed a particular…

Epicenters of Influence

How many people are in your company or organization?  What about your specific department? How many people within your department do what you do? The smaller the company the smaller a department.  But even with larger organizations, if you engage with the public, you typically cover a large area and the number of people within…