Key Performance Indicators | What are your Gauges?

This is the last article in our 5 part series on Dimalanta’s vision for branding and marketing. We explored what it means to make marketing plans when we let go of perfection and, instead, step into psychology. We revisited, redefined and rediscovered the big MVVP. We created strategy pyramids to successfully determine goals and objectives.…

Determine Your Objectives: Creating Strategy Pyramids

Wherever you find a business owner or entrepreneur you will also find a dreamer, a creative, a visionary, and a BIG thinker. The problem is dreams and visions can only take an entrepreneur so far. After the idea has been pushed through to production, not much will sell without a hefty dabble in some marketing.…

Planning Makes Perfect | Marketing Plans With a Dose of Psychology

You’ve heard the expression, “practice makes perfect.” Well, in the marketing realm, “planning makes perfect.” There are so many new marketing trends, social media strategies, apps and new fangled tactics pushed our way every single day. A lot of businesses chose to “wing it.”  They fly off into the sunset with a week’s worth of…

5 Strategies to Improve your Email Campaigns

As technology continues to increase, improve and enhance, messaging continues to bombard our target audiences at every angle. Staying in front of your audience helps them remember you in a time of need, but there is also a deep rooted need for relationships both personally and professionally. Your audience wants relevant, personalized, and authentic experiences…

4 Ways to Make New Habits by Celebrating Small Wins By Allison Messer

For most of us, life is much, much different right now. The uncertain brink of the future has our minds spinning and reacting to our environment in pure survival mode. The unknown of when normal life will resume is daunting to say the least, leaving us unsure of what life will look like in the…

Why Brands Fail By Claire Staton

Most brands start out with good intentions. They look vibrant, fresh, but often times they are dying from the inside out. You probably have seen this scenario before played out, whether it’s a brick and mortar store in your town or an online brand. While there can be other outside factors that play into why…

What’s Your 2020 Marketing Plan?

How do you think your marketing performed over the past year? Taking time in the fourth quarter to review what worked, what didn’t work and what can be improved will help your New Year start off smooth. If you didn’t establish Key Performance Indicators (KPI) last year, start with establishing at least 2-3 measurable marketing…

How’s Your Brand Messaging? Take This Questionnaire.

Being able to quickly and concisely communicate your brand message is key for your target audience to know who you are and what your why is. Take this brief questionnaire and see how quickly you can answer these questions about your organization: What is your mission? What is your vision? What are your key values?…

Marketing Investment

Q: Is there a “low hanging fruit” benefit by having a minimal presence/activity, or is tippy-toeing in marketing not a good investment? A: Marketing investment requires your whole team to dive-in, fully submerge and believe in your mission. When there isn’t an adequate amount of focused time, it will always result in disappointed marketing efforts…

How to Assess Marketing ROI? Q&A Part 4

Ultimately, the main concern for justifying spending money on marketing is all about the return on investment (ROI). The first thing to look at is the marketing budget. The recommended marketing budget should be around 4% of the revenue coming in. Typically, we find that most companies spend far below that, making it very difficult…