How to Assess Whether Your Marketing Efforts are Justified

Ultimately, the main concern for justifying a marketing budget is the Return on Investment (ROI). The first thing to look at is the marketing budget. The recommended standard marketing budget for small to mid-sized businesses should be around 4% of the revenue coming in, but we typically find that most companies spend far below that,…

5 Tips for Building Marketing Momentum in the New Year

And just like that, we said goodbye to 2018 and clinked our glasses to welcome in 2019. January…while mostly freezing and somewhat dreary, it remains full of eager anticipation for reflection and change. So ask yourself, what did you learn last year and how can you apply it to this year? Build momentum on the…

Analyze Your Marketing KPI’s

With only a few weeks left of the year, we would like to take a moment to reflect on the successes and failures of our marketing campaigns prior to entering the New Year. We think doing so allows you to build upon strategies that you have already created—so as every year progresses, you’ll see improvements and return…

7 Strategies to Streamline Your Team’s Production

Working together with your team to implement open communication is the best way to stay on top of production no matter what your industry. But when it comes to marketing production, try using these strategies to see how quickly your production levels rise. Have a solid, reliable project manager. Once projects have been assigned to…

Why Is Content Creation Important?

Bill Gates knew what he was talking about in 1996 when he uttered the now-famous quote, “content is king.” Whether it’s on social media, newsletters, blog posts, or articles, unique content is the ultimate ruler when it comes to marketing your brand online. It helps keep your company’s marketing messages on track and is useful…

4 Key Tools Your Marketing Production Team Should Be Using

When it comes to producing your marketing materials, there are a few key tools you’ll need to have set in place to ensure you’re keeping track of all the pieces needed to produce a killer product. If you constantly find your team falling short in production, here is what we recommend using to stay on…

What’s a Sales Scorecard?

A key aspect of effective marketing has to include effective sales. While sales is another complicated topic, it’s incredibly important to provide sales accountability in order to track its effectiveness. One way to do so is to create a sales scorecard—a list of sales activities that any sales person can execute and get points when…

How to Become a Thought Leader

One very important way to be able to grow your business and brand is to enhance and increase your credibility in the marketplace. Enhancing credibility enables you to strengthen your brand perception, not only for you personally as a leader, but also for the entire organization you lead. In today’s business world, relationship is the…

Establishing good marketing culture requires good leadership

It’s a little too easy for employees to lose sight of the overall vision of their company, regardless of the company size. This is largely due to poor marketing efforts put forth by the company—both externally, and internally. To establish a good marketing culture, follow these 3 simple rules. Know your company. Part of knowing…

What is a Drip Marketing Campaign, & Why Do I Need It?

When it comes to marketing and sales, we often know that before a consumer engages with the products or services you have to offer, they need to have seen the company and know what its promotions and services are. On average, you need seven to eight touches before a customer is going to make a…