Why Is Content Creation Important?

Bill Gates knew what he was talking about in 1996 when he uttered the now-famous quote, “content is king.” Whether it’s on social media, newsletters, blog posts, or articles, unique content is the ultimate ruler when it comes to marketing your brand online. It helps keep your company’s marketing messages on track and is useful…

Understanding Basic Design & Printing Terms

As a small- to mid-size business owner, you ultimately are responsible for your company’s marketing. Perhaps you’ve worked with a graphic designer, printing company or publication’s advertising department on your marketing materials. The terminology used by design and print professionals can sometimes sound like a foreign language. Hearing expressions such as “bleed,” “stock” and “pica”…

Keeping Those Embers HOT!

Now that summer is a memory and we’re knee deep in autumn, our thoughts naturally turn toward blazing fire pits, bonfires and fireplaces. And as every experienced fire builder knows, you need to keep your embers hot if you want a successful fire. The farther away an ember gets from a fire, the colder and…

The Top 5 Fun and Useful Apps Right Now!

You’ve heard “there’s an app for that,” and with each day, that statement becomes even truer. Here, we’ve collected five of our current favorites. Each of them has definite business benefits and also lets you have a little fun while getting things done. All tools are free unless indicated otherwise. 1.)    Awesome Screenshot  Awesome…

Keep it Relevant

Principle #5: Out-&-Out Marketing is Relevant In today’s 24-7 communication world, we are being constantly bombarded with messages. Most people have finely tuned their ability to quickly evaluate and ignore those messages that are not important or interesting. This is why Out-&-Out Marketing must be relevant. Your marketing communication and tactics must provide your audience…

Keep it Disciplined

Principle #2: Out-&-Out Marketing is Disciplined We’ve all made New Year’s resolutions, only to be back to our old habits and routines by February 1. What keeps us from sticking with our plans year after year? It’s not that our intentions aren’t true – it’s that we lack the discipline to stick to them. With…

Keep it Simple

Principle #1: Out-&-Out Marketing® is Simple! You’ve heard it so many times, it’s cliché: “Keep It Simple Stupid,” often refereed to as the “KISS” principle. But, in almost every cliché, there’s some truth. This one is no different. Especially when it comes to marketing. Many business owners or leaders are extremely frustrated by the concept…

What is Content Marketing?

Content Marketing 101 You may have heard the term “content marketing” but not been quite sure what it means. Maybe you’ve ignored it, because, as a small business owner, you can’t imagine adding one more thing to your already too long to do list. The good news is, you’ve probably been doing some form or…