Integrating Trust and Authenticity – How to build a solid referral network

Do you remember when cold calls and door to door sales were extremely common and many times successful? Now, we either choose to ignore those potential spam calls, begrudgingly answer the door, or hideout and pretend like no one is home. Sales are moving far away from that type of approach and adapting to a…

Thankfulness Goes a Long Way in Referral Marketing

It’s that time of year when we often take time to reflect on life and on business.  We count our blessings.  We spend time with family.  We are thankful.  Or at least we should be grateful right?  Unfortunately, the holidays also distract us from the things that matter most like relationships.  Here are a few…

Shallow vs Deep

When I was a kid, I loved going into the deep end of the pool.  To me, it was where the big kids swam, where the great divers performed their tricks, where the real fun happened.  I felt that the games we played got more challenging, navigating water that was way over our heads.  It…

You’re Always On

We mistakenly believe that the only time we are “on” is when we present to an audience, regardless of the number in it.  In reality, we are “on” all the time whether we know it or not.  At any given moment during the day we have an audience.  Granted it may be an audience of…

Got Luck?

Luck is an interesting concept.  It’s something everyone wants to have, yet we’re not sure how to get it or even where to find it.  Occasionally we think we’ve got it only to discover how elusive and temporary it can be.  Eventually we realize that luck is merely fictional. While driving in my car the…

The Inbox: Managing Your Credibility

On any given day, how many emails would you say that you receive?  What percentage of those do you respond to?  What is your average response time?  How do you choose which to respond to? With marketing, I believe it has never been easier to raise our own visibility and credibility to those in our…


You’ve met that business professional who seems to be connected to everyone.  Their success is palpable.  They project confidence and credibility.  You might wonder how they got to that point in their career?  What’s their secret?  Is it pure luck? Good timing? A successful magician projects the same image as that business professional – confident,…

The Complete Disconnect

Tell me if this scenario sounds at all familiar? While attending a professional networking event, you find yourself face to face with someone in “sales.”  Granted everyone in the room is in sales and/or marketing, but this particular person is truly in a class all by themselves – strictly to sell.  You can feel it…

“Anyone? Anyone?”

I love passing along great tips from others that share the same passion for great referral marketing.  This one came from my BNI meeting just last week, and when I heard it I immediately thought, “priceless.” Remember the 1986 movie “Ferris Bueler’s Day Off” starring Matthew Broderick? Broderick played Ferris, a high school teen, that…


“A desire to do something, especially something wrong or unwise.” The worst kind of temptation we can fall prey to is the most subtle kind.  The type that without even fully realizing it, you have made the wrong or unwise choice.  In our professional lives this is a common reality that can be avoided if…