Being Tactical vs Strategic

I was fortunate to find myself at a recent event whose keynote speaker’s topic highlighted the top areas in business to improve our organizations and our roles within them.  The room was filled with not only business owners, but management, sales support, marketing, business development, and directors.  That was a great sign as I knew…

Tips to Maximize a Networking Event

Going to networking events is a part of any business professionals life.  Networking events come in the form of: Business After Hours Referral Marketing Groups Lead Exchanges Chamber Events Trade Shows Luncheons Award Ceremonies But did you know there are ways to more effectively maximize your time at networking events? Ways to better engage with…

Learning to Lead

In business we can be casual observers – taking the lead from another’s initiatives and only then engaging on a whole new level.  We are all guilty of it because it’s easy to do.  With all that is going on in our lives we can find any number of excuses to be content with “business…

Shallow vs Deep

When I was a kid, I loved going into the deep end of the pool.  To me, it was where the big kids swam, where the great divers performed their tricks, where the real fun happened.  I felt that the games we played got more challenging, navigating water that was way over our heads.  It…

Immerse Yourself

I spent the day with a great client and friend of mine.  Not only was I there to support her with the award she had won, but to also spend time learning more about what it is that she does each and every day.  As I sat there during the conference I found myself becoming…

Is There a Book For That?

I was recently asked a great question…”Is there a book you can recommend regarding social media?”  On the surface, the answer would seem easy.  Of course there must be several books that one can utilize to learn the ins and outs of social media.  There’s books for everything, isn’t there?  Well, not necessarily for social…

Are You Mobile Friendly?

I’ve seen a lot of great websites and I’ve seen a lot of not so great websites.  But now there is a whole other element that further differentiates one website over another, so much so that user engagement becomes a major factor.  Our overwhelming preference for mobile devices has added this new element to website…

The Content Chameleon

Words in general don’t create stress or angst, but many times I find that words, as it relates to marketing a person or a business, can be.  When people hear the words “content marketing” I see a little cringe, a deflation of energy, or hear a sigh.  It’s not the words themselves that create this…

You’re Always On

We mistakenly believe that the only time we are “on” is when we present to an audience, regardless of the number in it.  In reality, we are “on” all the time whether we know it or not.  At any given moment during the day we have an audience.  Granted it may be an audience of…

Image and Identity

I think kids have fully mastered the identity card.  Heck, I’ve watched my own kids and how they see themselves, my son in particular.  It amazes me how a single pair of gym shoes can change the mindset of a 12 year old boy.  You see, in his world, that pair of shoes tells him…