DIY Social Media Strategy

Every business should have a social media presence, but many times a business doesn’t know where to start, when to start, or what to actually do.  This particular blog post will focus on developing your own social media strategy. Create an Editorial Calendar: Start with one per quarter for simplicity. Begin by placing important events/Holidays/promotions…

Deceptively Simple

Here is a list of the top 8 reasons why marketing is deceptively simple: A little can go a long way:  Writing a few social media posts each week will help to build your visibility.  It doesn’t require long, tedious hours at your computer. You don’t need to be a Rocket Scientist:  Effective marketing requires…

Got Luck?

Luck is an interesting concept.  It’s something everyone wants to have, yet we’re not sure how to get it or even where to find it.  Occasionally we think we’ve got it only to discover how elusive and temporary it can be.  Eventually we realize that luck is merely fictional. While driving in my car the…

Increasing Your Marketing ROI

We have all heard of the acronym “ROI” which stands for “Return on Investment.” ROI is a means to determine the performance of anything you invest time, money, or energy into.  When it comes to marketing, there is always an ROI associated with any strategy.  We want to know how many customers redeemed a particular…

The Ultimate Post

I think we can all agree that Facebook for business is essential to a successful marketing strategy.  That it allows us to compete on the same playing field as the large corporations due to the reach it gives us and is also extremely cost effective compared to any other advertising initiative.  Yet, many of us…

Word of Mouth Marketing

If money were no object marketing would be quite easy.  We would spend, and spend a lot, to ensure that every person in our target market heard our message.  Unfortunately, in most cases this is impossible and unrealistic. For a large majority of businesses our marketing funds are limited.  This limitation compels us to use…

Out-&-Out Marketing Forum

We can all agree that there are many resources out there today that help businesses succeed. If you are a CEO or business owner, you can attend a CEO Round Table.  If you happen to be in Human Resources, chances are you can find an HR Round Table to take advantage of.  If your profession…

The Universal Language

While facilitating a recent Blogging Workshop it dawned on me that engaging with our target audience can be diluted if we make assumptions.  While we may be fully immersed in our particular field or industry, our target audience is probably not. There were several industries represented at the workshop:  Banking, Construction, IT, Design, and Chiropractic…

The Marketing Ecosystem

Each week Dimalanta Design Group hosts a Marketing Forum facilitated by Ernie Dimalanta. Gathered in the room are professionals from various industries like IT, manufacturing, promotional, and travel.  We discuss different topics as it relates to marketing, delving into our respective professions to hone our skills and share insights with each other. This week we…

White Noise

How many emails do you receive each day?  What about phone calls? Voice mails? Pieces of mail? How many commercials do you hear or watch each day?  What about advertisements in trade journals?  Newspapers?  Magazines?  What about social media?  Are you engaging others on Facebook, LinkedIn, and Twitter?  How many newsletters do you subscribe to?…