A plumb line is typically used in construction or surveying to determine if a structure is truly vertical. It is an easy yet necessary test to ensure the long-term stability, safety, and use of the structure. It is essential. With any given business, the term plumb line has quite a bit of relevance. A plumb…
The Marketing Bully
We’ve all heard of the playground bully. The kid who walks around terrorizing the other kids, typically ones that are smaller than him or her. There are numerous movies out there with this character like in “A Christmas Story” and “Stand By Me.” The feeling a playground bully likes to prey on is fear. Fear…
Content Marketing
There are words that can insinuate a lot of work: Spring Cleaning Taxes Holding a fundraiser Preparing Thanksgiving dinner Wedding planning Moving Content Marketing Interestingly, content marketing is guilty of giving the wrong impression when it comes to work load. At first glance, it may appear that a lot of time and effort is required…
The Art of Persuasion
Twice this week the topic of persuasion came up. The first time was during a conversation with one of my referral partners. He was updating me on the proposals he had received for his new business. Of the three potential vendors he was considering, one came back with a proposal that made him wonder if…
The Referral Partner Litmus Test
In the business world, strategic alliances are not contingent upon how long one has been working in a particular field or profession. In fact, building strategic partnerships can, and should, begin with the first day on the job. Regardless of your years of experience, it is important to determine and know what makes a key…
Skin In the Game
Every organization, company, and institution needs their members and/or employees to have skin in the game in order to ensure long-term success. Having skin in the game means a sense of ownership and alliance. It denotes a sense of family, of a team. You see it in youth sports, where teammates and their families gather during the…
Watering Holes
We are all guilty of making assumptions. We can mistakenly believe that others think and feel the same as we do. I’ve done it myself. I love asparagus so my kids should eat it at dinner too, right? Wrong. When we communicate with those in our target audience, or circle of influence, we may make…