Tips to Maximize a Networking Event

Going to networking events is a part of any business professionals life.  Networking events come in the form of: Business After Hours Referral Marketing Groups Lead Exchanges Chamber Events Trade Shows Luncheons Award Ceremonies But did you know there are ways to more effectively maximize your time at networking events? Ways to better engage with…

Is There a Book For That?

I was recently asked a great question…”Is there a book you can recommend regarding social media?”  On the surface, the answer would seem easy.  Of course there must be several books that one can utilize to learn the ins and outs of social media.  There’s books for everything, isn’t there?  Well, not necessarily for social…

Can I Just Have an Envelope Please?

One would think that requesting an envelope is simple enough, right?  I mean, if you need to mail something to a vendor, client, or prospect what difference does it make what the actual envelope looks like:  white, regular, #10, square flap, or window?  Well, interestingly enough, it can make a big difference when it comes…

Watering Holes

We are all guilty of making assumptions.  We can mistakenly believe that others think and feel the same as we do.  I’ve done it myself.  I love asparagus so my kids should eat it at dinner too, right?  Wrong. When we communicate with those in our target audience, or circle of influence, we may make…

Increasing Your Marketing ROI

We have all heard of the acronym “ROI” which stands for “Return on Investment.” ROI is a means to determine the performance of anything you invest time, money, or energy into.  When it comes to marketing, there is always an ROI associated with any strategy.  We want to know how many customers redeemed a particular…

The Inbox: Managing Your Credibility

On any given day, how many emails would you say that you receive?  What percentage of those do you respond to?  What is your average response time?  How do you choose which to respond to? With marketing, I believe it has never been easier to raise our own visibility and credibility to those in our…

White Noise

How many emails do you receive each day?  What about phone calls? Voice mails? Pieces of mail? How many commercials do you hear or watch each day?  What about advertisements in trade journals?  Newspapers?  Magazines?  What about social media?  Are you engaging others on Facebook, LinkedIn, and Twitter?  How many newsletters do you subscribe to?…

Person To Person

No matter what the size of a company, it’s success depends on people.  Whether it has 500 employees or only one, or if we are talking about B2B or B2C industries, it still revolves around people.  People who make decisions, have opinions and needs, concerns, deadlines, and goals. People who embody the brand of a…

Social Media Marketing… Is It Really Necessary?

Let me start by asking these questions: Was it really necessary to start using Fax Machines  when it became popular? How about cell phones?  How about running a business today without a smartphone? (I remember how cool it was when mom and dad had a phone installed in their BMW… that was sweet!) How about…