December is the one month of the year that simply doesn’t have enough days. We’re busy juggling work projects, client commitments, year-end obligations, and holiday celebrations inside and outside of the office. Oh yes, there’s typically no shortage of family activities and social events as well. With all the festivities come abundant opportunities for quality…
Reflect, Be Thankful This Holiday Season
We’re all too familiar with the hustle and bustle that comes with the holidays. Sometimes, despite our best efforts, we become so wrapped up in seasonal activities that we forget to reflect on the meaning of the season and celebrate our blessings. As we approach this season of hope and gratitude, we want to share…
Keep It Personal!
Principle #6: Out-&-Out Marketing Makes It Personal Everyone likes to feel noticed. You probably appreciate your morning coffee barista you remembers your name and order. Or perhaps your dentist remembers that you’re a Green Bay Packers fan and always asks you about the team. These personal touches probably make you feel more comfortable and more…
Jesus is the Ultimate Out-&-Out Marketer
During Christmas I’m reminded of that baby born in Bethlehem. His name is Jesus. He would become the Savior of the world. I’m always fascinated with the fact that the God of the universe would become a man to save the very people who sinned against him. Think about this. Jesus trained disciples. These men…
Take Time to Party
This time of year is always filled with parties. What about your company? Do you have one scheduled? Keep in mind that your party doesn’t have to be that elaborate. You can just as easily hold a simple office party. So why is this important anyways? What does this have to do about marketing?…
Thankfulness Goes a Long Way in Referral Marketing
It’s that time of year when we often take time to reflect on life and on business. We count our blessings. We spend time with family. We are thankful. Or at least we should be grateful right? Unfortunately, the holidays also distract us from the things that matter most like relationships. Here are a few…